Mission StatementThe International Society of Weighing and Measurement is a non-profit organization, whose sole intent is the advancement of its members. Formerly known as the National Scale Men's Association, ISWM members have been gathering for over 70 years. ISWM members include manufacturers, distributors, government officials, end users, scale purchasers, and suppliers to the industry. ISWM members have various titles, from CEO, and president to sales manager, service technician, administrator, and more. They come from diverse backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: they are committed to the technological advancements created by and for the weighing and measurement industry.
ISWM members handle a variety of products and services, from A/D converters to wheel load weighers, from bar code scanners to torque measuring, from computer weighing systems to test weights, digital display meters to radio frequency identification systems, from force gauges to precision balances, from load cells to packaging machine scales. Everything in the world that has been made, has been weighed and measured. Our members ensure accuracy in the global economy.