Testing Details and FormsCertifications are issued by ISWM, though the testing is administered by Credentialing Services, an independent testing company in Galesburg, IL. Applications are sent to ISWM, using the address on the form. Application ProcedureThe application for CWT and CWS can be downloaded from this site. Read all instructions thoroughly before starting. The completed application must be returned with the correct fees included. All applications need to be completely filled out and submitted a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the testing date.
Application Instructions1. Test Site: Print the test site city and state on the line to the right.
2. Name: Print your last name, first name, middle initial, and suffix (e.g.,Jr.) in the spaces provided - one letter per space.
3. Address : Print your current mailing address, preferably your home address, in the space provided.
4. Contact Phone Number: Print your daytime phone number.
5. Specialty: Mark an "X" in the appropriate box to select Certified Weighing Technician or Certified Weighing Salesperson as your specialty. You may sit for only one specialty exam per test date. Once you have successfully passed both the CWT and CWS, a special application form will be mailed to you, allowing you to apply for the Certified Weighing Professional.
6. Diplomas and Degrees: Check the box indicating the type of degree you have received. Enter the date received and the school or organization issuing the degree. Include a copy of your degree with this application.
7. Handbook 44 Certification: Proof of successful completion of an ISWM approved Handbook 44 course, or demonstrate the equivalent, within the last five (5) years is a prerequisite to taking the CWT and CWS tests. A copy of certificate must accompany application. Currently, ISWM recognizes these credentials:
Anyone scheduled to take an ISWM sponsored Handbook 44 Course the day before the test can write the upcoming test date in place of providing their Handbook 44 proof of completion. If you do not pass the ISWM sponsored course, your certification application fees will be refunded and you will not be allowed to take the certification test the next day.
8. Years of Experience: Enter the number of years of full-time experience you have in the field of weights and measures.
9. Your Present Employer: Indicate your present employer. If you own your own business, check the appropriate box. You must indicate the amount of time worked as well as the percentage of full-time work.
10. Previous Employment: If you have not worked in your current job the appropriate number of years to qualify for certification, please list your previous employment information.
11. Customer References: If you are self-employed and will be using customer references to substantiate your claim of years in the field, list their name, address and phone number in the space provided. Include the starting date of your employment. Indicate the name of the person to contact. If you do not have the name of a person to contact, send a letter addressed to Credentialing Services, Inc. (CS) along with your application to explain the particulars of your situation.
Required AttachmentsEach applicant will be required to submit proof of the education level or experience level claimed.
Proof of minimum educational level consists of photocopies of high school or college diplomas, or General Education Development (GED).
Each applicant will be required to submit proof of Handbook 44 Certification from an ISWM approved testing center or demonstration of equivalent. Proof consists of photocopies of diplomas or certificates received within the last five (5) years.
FeesThe full fee must accompany the completed application. Make check or money order payable to ISWM, or use Visa, MasterCard or American Express. The Application Fee is non-refundable and is required of all candidates applying for the first time. The CWT or CWS examinations or the CWP portfolio analysis may be retaken two times within five years, without submitting the application fee again.
The Testing Fee must be submitted each time a candidate requests to sit for a CWT or CWS examination (repeat or different specialty) or sends in a portfolio for analysis for the CWP.
The Late Fee is required if the candidate's application arrives after the regular registration deadline.
Application Fee: $35.00
($50.00 for nonmembers)
Testing Fee: $155
($180.00 for nonmembers)
Late Fee: $50.00
Testing Policies and Procedures
A candidate will receive written acknowledgement of receipt of application from the testing office at Credentialing Services (CS), Inc. Eligible candidates will be sent an admission ticket prior to the test date. Candidates who do not have an admission ticket one (1) week prior to the test date should call CS at (309) 343-1202 for instructions.
Candidates who cannot sit for the examination should notify CS in writing prior to the day of the test. Emergencies that prevent a candidate from appearing on the day of the test must be reported and explained in writing within fifteen (15) days of the test date. Candidates whose eligibility is in question will be asked for more information and/or documentation.
Test DateThe test date and times will be announced as they are determined by ISWM.
Admission to TestingEach candidate must present an admissions ticket and two (2) forms of identification to be admitted to the testing area. One of the forms of identification must include a photograph. In case of a lost admission ticket, call CS at (309) 343-1202 for alternate authorization to sit for the examination.
Test Center RegulationsThe following regulations will be observed at all test sites to insure uniform testing conditions:
Pass/Fail StandardThe passing level is a standard of knowledge set by a criterion referenced methodology (similar to setting par in golf), using the combined judgments of the Examination Committee resulting in a recommendation to the Certification Committee for final review. Using this methodology there is no curve, and candidates do not compete against each other.
ADA ComplianceTest locations are accessible. Applicants should advise ISWM staff of their requirements in writing no later than the deadline for application.
Test ResultsCandidates will be mailed written notice of their examination results approximately six (6) to eight (8) weeks after administration or portfolio submission.
Retake ExaminationsUnsuccessful candidates may retake the examination or portfolio analysis twice without paying additional application fees. Test fees do apply to each attempt, however. If a candidate fails three times, the candidate must reapply, paying the application fee again.
Certification RenewalRenewal of certification will be required after five (5) years. Renewal can be achieved through ISWM authorized continuing education programs or a retaking of the certification examination or portfolio analysis, depending on ISWM’s policy at the time.
Security and Revocation of CertificationAnyone giving or receiving assistance of any kind from another person during the test will be required to turn in his/her test materials immediately and leave the test site. The candidate’s answer sheet will not be scored and application and testing fees will not be refunded. Any candidate who either removes or attempts to remove test material from the test site may be prosecuted and forfeits all rights to sit for the exam again. The application and test fees will not be refunded. In addition, candidate risks revocation of previous ISWM Certifications for these actions.
ISWM reserves the right to refuse or revoke any certification in the event the recipient has been found to be acting in a deceptive or unethical manner of any kind. There is a review process for any candidate whose certification has been revoked. Candidates who desire to appeal must do so in writing to Credentialing Services, Inc. within 45 days of the revocation. For more information on the appeals process, contact Credentialing Services.